Friday, 3 August 2012

Why you should back the sci-fi novel Primae Noctis at Kickstarter (with less than 5 days to go)

The Kickstarter project to get Primae Noctis edited and published has reached its final 5 days, and there's cause for renewed optimism.  With the project having reached 26% of its goal and a large surge of new backers coming in, there's still a good chance for success.

So why would you or should you back Primae Noctis in a sea of projects that all deserve your attention?  Here's the requisite (but vastly expanded) 'Letterman-style' list:
  • You genuinely like science fiction because of your love of new ideas and prognostication;
  • You read the 80-page excerpt and wanted to read more;
  • You are an adult who wants a new science fiction story made specifically for grown-ups;
  • You like to support the underdog when you follow your favorite sport;
  • You are a muse who likes to inspire and support others through life-changing moments;
  • You're an iconoclast who likes to stand apart from the herd;
  • You have an extra fifteen dollars that you were going to drop on candy or beer (not nec. in that order);
  • You have a negative karmic inbalance that you've been trying hard to overcome;
  • You dislike the current political state of the world and are looking for non-violent answers;
  • You like your sex and violence with the high-pitched 'pew-pew' of lasers in the background;
  • You don't know the difference between an AI and an AIC and are dying to learn;
  • You haven't been watching the Olympics and are looking for something to read;
  • You want to learn more about the salacious aspects of cohort marriage;
  • You've just received your Household Assistance Package deposit and want to spend big (AUS only);
  • You like grand conspiracy theories but hate to admit it;
  • You've been waiting for a book to come along to titillate your senses and make you think simultaneously;
  • You're hedging your bets for an acknowledgement in Tempus Belli or Corpus Novus; or finally,
  • You like me.  You really, really like me.
Whatever your reason(s), Primae Noctis really needs you!  If you can spare as little as $1, your backing can bring this novel to the world of readers in a properly edited form.  They say that 82% of Kickstarter projects that reach 20% or more reach their goals, and we're at 26%.  Even if you hate statistics, help me be on the right side of these numbers.  Thank you for reading this blatant plug/rant, and you can find the Primae Noctis project here:

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