I remember many years ago in 1998, back when I was a political
science student at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, James Carville came to
campus to speak to us. I eagerly waited until the
question and answer segment of the program came up and I asked him what I
thought would be an absolute bombshell of a question.
More or less, I asked him “what’s the point in having political parties
if they continuously argue about non-substantive issues and don’t have clear
values?” Needless to say, the clever political strategist that Carville was hemmed and hawed about the stage with his Southern charm
and the well-rehearsed sidebar, but didn’t really answer my question. Silly me.
As the November elections in the United States loom closer,
something that strikes me is the lack of genuine dialogue on the issues that
matter from either the Democratic or Republican parties. Sure, both parties are very competent at
convincing potential voters that the other party is either wrong at best or
insane at worst, but where is the vision for America that will propel the
nation out of the doldrums and into the latter half of this century?
As an expatriate American currently residing in Australia, I
have the privilege of being able to compare and contrast what’s going on in the
US with the similar state of party politics here. Both the Labour and the Liberal parties seem
to go around in circles with the same litany of issues as their American
counterparts: illegal immigrants, small business owners, a diminishing middle class, a
near-dominant China, and perpetual fear of economic slowdown.
You might immediately say, “Well that’s easy. Social issues are the principal difference
between the main parties.” Are
they? If that were true, the allegedly left-leaning Labor party
in Australia and the Democratic party in America would have already taken the
federal lead on giving homosexual partners the equivalent of marriage, would have
fought harder against xenophobic views toward immigrants, and sought to make
vast improvements to the state of education and child care in both countries. For the purposes of this intellectual
exercise, imagine social issues as ‘window dressing’ so that we can get to the
heart of the matter. Patriotic rhetoric will not aid in this quest for truth, either.
I won’t be the first or the last person to tackle this
question, but what do political parties really mean anymore, and moreover, what’s
the point of political parties? In both
the United States and Australia, both pairs of major political parties take
contributions from the same principal types of donors. Politically astute corporations and wealthy
individuals hedge their bets and back every ‘horse’ in the race. Alas, individuals don’t have such a luxury as
we get only one vote. Studies generally
show that we have a strong tendency to be heavily influenced on our choice of
our political party by our parents and relatives, although a few of us switch
as we change our level of income, education, and lot in life.
What are the real differences between the Democrats and
Republicans if they both take a similar tact in assertively supporting the extremely
wealthy and big business over small business owners and workers? As a big donor, you have the ear of your
Representative, Senator, or even President.
If you give enough money or garner enough support, you earn a seat at
the party’s table, an Ambassadorship, or a night in the Lincoln Bedroom at the
White House.
As an ‘average Joe American’ donor, your
political seat is in the nosebleed section, high above one of the goalposts at
the stadium next to the urinal block, or at best, a YouTube video, flyer, or a
cleverly constructed infographic emailed to you because of your demographic profile…
along with a heartfelt request for your lesser money.
Possibly a t-shirt, but it probably won't be 'Made in the USA'. Most of us will never be so politically connected to be invited to attend
a fundraising dinner at a crusading Hollywood celeb’s house, at a digital baron’s
social club, or at the private ranch of a party power broker.
Australia’s not much different from the US in this regard, except that the Australian constitution is
brilliant enough to have the foresight to make voting compulsory for all
citizens over the age of 18. That's right Americans, over here you must vote or expect to be fined. Anyway, there are the same relative levels of prizes for the big donors, but nix that bit about the Lincoln Bedroom, unless rooms in Sydney's Kiribilli House are being pimped out without the Aussie public's knowledge.
For those
of you who weren’t aware, about two years ago, the current Prime Minister of
Australia, Julia Gillard, superseded her predecessor Kevin Rudd, also of the
Labor Party, in a backroom, internal party preference vote. Many observers questioned the legitimacy of this strange, secret coup. Some might argue that the Australian parliamentary
system allows for this eventuality, and that this was not somehow
distasteful. But when Australians were
given the opportunity to go the polls the next time, they returned a parliamentary tie between the parties,
also known as a “hung parliament”, that forced both major parties to court the
votes of independents that represent a range of special interests and views
that were inconsistent with their own. In
the end, Labor and Gillard came out on top, but the politics of the party have
become increasingly centric and beholden to the interests of the independents ever
since. Some argue that the Labor party is being torn apart from the inside by conflicting interests, as well.
Centrism is the fundamental flaw with party politics
today. In both countries, the major
parties serve their wealthier constituents and interests without question,
because the need for campaign contributions and the support of the power elite overwhelms
the parties’ need to satisfice the wider body of their constituents. In the US, the Democrats used to be the party
that steadfastly supported workers and labor unionism before many of its other
interests. In Australia, the Labor party
ostensibly still has strong ties with the unions as well. Why is it that in both countries, labor
unions are continuously finding themselves reduced and resolved to increasingly
smaller stature and effectiveness, despite the ongoing federal-level presence of two
governments that should logically do everything that they can to support unions?
Not to ignore the right of the spectrum, Republicans in the
US used to be the party of smaller and more efficient government, and wide
spectrum support for entrepreneurship.
The Australian Liberal party has a similar, traditional core agenda. But how does creating private sector, pseudo-government services through outsourcing constitute smaller or more efficient government? If it sounds like a shell game, that's because it is: except that elite interests win all the nutty contracts.
Both conservative parties are facing increasingly
hostile ultra-conservatism that holds them hostage to radical
viewpoints that dilute their principal agendas. More than a decade ago in Australia, the Liberal party had to form a coalition with the
National party, of principally rural interests, for their lengthy last go at rule under former PM John Howard. American Republicans are now similarly being forced to stomach
the reactionary tastes of the Tea Party caucus, even though many strongly disagree with
their views. And everyone knows that red-blooded Americans prefer coffee.
For most people, we proudly support our choice of political
party until the choice becomes too confusing and murky. This is why some Americans don't bother to vote, and Australians take the "donkey vote" or join the Australian Sex Party (not kidding). I cringe whenever any of my friends begins to
talk about the next election in the US. To
them it is fairly obvious who I will vote for, but it pains me to do so because
I am not substantively satisfied with the answers proposed by either of our
parties. What point is there in having
political parties in our postmodern world, when in terms of real vision and
ingenuity, they are less substantively different than brands of soda pop? If parties have no vision, then there is no
point. More so if they serve the same
elite interests.
Political parties, especially in countries with two dominant, centric parties, need to be especially wary of not losing sight of having a clear
message or real values. Because in the
histories of both American and Australian politics, a major party can find
themselves increasingly less relevant and replaced by a party with new vision before
they even realize it. Have you ever
heard of the Whigs? Probably not. But you might have heard of the Reform Party or the Greens...
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