Sunday, 21 October 2012

New look cover for Primae Noctis

Have a look at the final draft cover art for the novel.  I'm both pleased and relieved at settling on a semi-expository cover that tells a story without spoiling the plot. 

Comments?  Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Update on Primae Noctis and the November release

Primae Noctis is a few short weeks away from its public debut in November, and I couldn’t be more thankful the hard yards and months of rewriting the novel have finally come to an end.   The mental exhaustion from the completion of a large novel or any creative endeavour is overwhelming, at least for a time.  I haven’t had the time or willpower to post many new blogs for a while, but I intend to get back into the saddle soon.

I am extremely nervous.  I have no idea how such a long and relatively complex novel will be received by the public, but I know some people will find it to be intriguing.  A final readers’ circle is currently underway over the next two weeks, before Primae Noctis is submitted for final editing and typesetting.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Primae Noctis will be available via and through Smashwords distribution, initially as an eBook, but will also be available in print by the end of 2012.  There’s much work left to be accomplished, and I will be swapping my creative hat for my marketing hat (the one I cringe at if I look in the mirror).  I apologise in advance if my normally, more socially-interested discourse takes a back seat for a while.

Initial pricing for the novel will be set between $5.99 and $7.99 USD, as Primae Noctis is more than double the length of an average, $2.99 to $3.99 release novel of 100K words or less.  I will soon make an announcement for bonafide reviewers to submit a request for a review copy via the website.